Free Softie Whale Pattern
Finally I can share with you my first sewing thing that I made. I am also a hobby crafter. I ♥ to work with my sewing machine. So the thing that I sewed is a whale. I found this Free Pattern Softie Whale@ Small Dream Factory. Here it is.
Materials I used: Two
different fabrics (cotton and fleece for body and fins)
2 Safty Eyes (or use knobs for eyes and nose)
2 Safty Eyes (or use knobs for eyes and nose)
Stuffing -
also: Scissor, pins, tailor's chalk and pen, cutting board, Fiskars eyelet setter(smallest 1,6 mm), pearl pen, sewing machine and thread
Instructions: Download free pattern here (original file), or download the user/printer-friendly version; part one, part two and part three.
First I did was of course I trace and cut out the pattern. Than I pined the pattern on the fabrics and cut out the fins, upper and bottom part of the whale body. Than I cut out the inners circle of the pattern and used pen on cotton and the chalk on fleece to make markings for the inner circle on fabrics.
The first thing I sewed the fins. I sewed with the wrong sides together and turned right-side
out. Now I sewed the little parts of upper and bottom body together.
For the eyes I used 2 safty eyes. Here for I made to little holes with with the eyelet setter on eye markings.
So sewing together: Place the front body piece right-side up on your work surface.
Pin the fins into position. Place the second body piece right-side down on top
and pin the body pieces together. Sew the body pattern. Be careful not to sew
the stuffing opening. I got the eye in the body and got the back ofe the safty eye through the littles eye holes and cloed it up with the safty metal piece.
Turn right-side out. Now I filled with small amounts of stuffing up the whale until the
whale is firm and even, but not too tight. Last bu not least I hand-sewed the stuffing opening. And last I droped a whale's nose with a pearl pen.
Finished Whale!!! Tada. It's quiet easy.
Just try it!!!